The animals always make the Farm Lifestyle more fun.
Category: Composting
Is Sustainable WA™ Worth It? Or Salmon Safe, Or Organic, Or Regenerative, Or…? Well, we’re all in!
The beauty of certifications – they bring 3rd party standards to the farming equation.
A Regenerative Farming Future – Naturally Exciting.
The first baby sheep born on Chelan Valley Farms. Expanding our ability to incorporate regenerative farming practices.
Sheep Have 4 Stomach’s! Fascinating: This Means They Can Make A Meal Out of What We Can’t!
Sheep have 4 stomach’s. They’re able to digest and live off of foods we cannot.
What Do All The Certifications Mean?
Sustainable WA is a new certification built by industry experts and scientists.
Waking Up on The Farm
Since we’re a small farm, many of the farm activities are hands on. by Chad Steiner 2024 is our family’s 6th year living on the farm. We’re 1st generation farmers.… Continue reading Waking Up on The Farm
The Benefit of Knowing Your Farmer!?
Since the 1940’s the nutrient density of our food has declined. The great news, farmers are figuring out how to produce sustainably grown nutrient dense food and wine. by Chad… Continue reading The Benefit of Knowing Your Farmer!?
Ecological Utopia?
Is Ecological Utopia Possible? Or should be striving for Excellent Farm Ecosystems? Lets explore how building a farm ecosystem can help build resiliency. by Chad Steiner What is the motivation… Continue reading Ecological Utopia?
2023 “Reflections” Slideshow
As we reflected on 2023, we realized this is our “Why”! We love you all. by Jeana Steiner Click the image below to see the 2023 Slideshow. Cheers,
Digging into Lake Chelan Pinot Noir in Washington State.
Pinot Noir: a bit of history, how Jeana and Chad fell in love with it and why they think the Lake Chelan Valley is an amazing fit for this glorious… Continue reading Digging into Lake Chelan Pinot Noir in Washington State.