Say Hello to our Farm Animals, They Create Regenerative Magic.

The animals always make things fun...

The animals always make the Farm Lifestyle more fun.

A Regenerative Farming Future – Naturally Exciting.

The first baby sheep born at Chelan Valley Farms.

The first baby sheep born on Chelan Valley Farms. Expanding our ability to incorporate regenerative farming practices.

Dry January, Hosting Skills & Wine as a Powerful Connector

Curious elixirs have been a great non-alcoholic option in the tasting room.

Dry January…, let’s face it, many of us want to check in on our ability to “moderate”. We believe knowing more about non-alcoholic options has made us better hosts. And… Continue reading Dry January, Hosting Skills & Wine as a Powerful Connector

No Way Chardonnay & Farm Trivia

What beautiful clusters Chardonnay grapes produce before making beautiful wine.

Chardonnay on picking day as its headed to make wine from Chelan Valley Farms.

Sheep, They’re In The Vineyard

The entire family helped move the sheep to the vineyard.

100 years ago it was quite common for farmers growing crops to also raise animals or vise versa. Since then farmers have become more specialized. Reintroducing animals into a regenerative system is making old technology new again.

What Do All The Certifications Mean?

Sustainable WA is a new certification built by industry experts and scientists.